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  • 10% Thiamethoxacin+14% Imidacloprid
  • 10% Thiamethoxacin+14% Imidacloprid
  • 10% Thiamethoxacin+14% Imidacloprid
10% Thiamethoxacin+14% Imidacloprid10% Thiamethoxacin+14% Imidacloprid10% Thiamethoxacin+14% Imidacloprid

10% Thiamethoxacin+14% Imidacloprid

Product Description:
Product Features
Jiawei · Difenamide
This product is composed of a combination of methomyl salt and substituted urea based acaricide. The drug enters the insect body through contact and feeding, rapidly blocking the transmission of nerve impulses, leading to motor disorders, paralysis, food refusal, and ultimately death of the target pest. Used for controlling cabbage and beet armyworms.
Mite · Imidacloprid
This product is a mixture of two insecticidal active ingredients with different mechanisms of action, suitable for integrated pest management and resistance management; It has stomach toxicity, contact killing effect, and certain egg killing effect. It has strong permeability, fast insecticidal speed, long shelf life, and is resistant to rainwater erosion. Can be used for the control of cabbage diamondback moth and ornamental chrysanthemum striped armyworm.
Product parameters
Product Name: Jiawei · Xifensu+Xifensu · Yinchong Weige: 20g+20g Type: Suspension
Case technique anxiety
Toxicity: Low toxicity
Effective ingredients and their contents: Abamectin, 1.8% Imidacloprid, 8% Imidacloprid, 10% Imidacloprid, 4% Imidacloprid
Registration certificate number: PD20211531/PD20182705
Standard certificate number:
Q/HYQ 026-2021
Scope and methods of use
Jiawei · Difenamide
Prevention and control targets
From the cabbage moth
Dosage (dosage per acre)
8-10 milliliters per acre
Application method
Technical requirements for use:
1. This product should be sprayed with spray at the initial stage when the young larvae of beet armyworm occur. The amount of water should be 30-45 kg/mu or adjusted according to the growth period of the crop and the type of application equipment. It is better to spray wet and thoroughly until the liquid drops. Pay attention to the uniform spray.
When applying pesticides, it is important to avoid the liquid from drifting onto other crops to prevent pesticide damage. 3. Do not apply pesticides on rainy days or within 1 hour of expected rainfall. The safe interval for use on cabbage is 7 days, with a maximum of 1 use per season.
Mite · Imidacloprid
Viewing chrysanthemums
Prevention and control targets
Plutella xylostella
Spodoptera litura
Dosage (dosage per acre)
20-40 milliliters per acre
20-40 milliliters per acre
Application method
Technical requirements for use
1. In order to achieve the best control effect, it is recommended that diamondback moth should be used in the peak egg incubation period or early larval development as far as possible for cabbage, and it is recommended to spray once in the occurrence period of young larvae of Spodoptera litura for ornamental chrysanthemums, with uniform spray. 2. The safety interval for this product on cabbage is 14 days, with a 7-10 day interval for application. The maximum number of applications per season is 2, and the water consumption per acre is 45-50 kilograms.
3. This product is applied once a season on ornamental chrysanthemums, with a water consumption of 30-50 kilograms per acre. 4. Do not apply pesticides on days with strong winds or expected rainfall within 1 hour. Applying pesticides in the evening is more conducive to fully exerting the efficacy of the medicine
matters needing attention
Jiawei · Difenamide
1. This product is irritating to the eyes, so avoid contact with the eyes when using it. Appropriate protective clothing, masks, gloves, goggles, and other equipment (as indicated in the graphic) should be worn to avoid splashing medication into the eyes. Do not eat or drink during the application period. After applying pesticides, it is necessary to wash hands, face and other exposed areas of the skin in a timely manner, and change clothes. The medicinal solution and its waste liquid shall not pollute various water bodies, soils, and other environments.
2. This product is toxic to bees and silkworms. It is prohibited during the flowering period of surrounding crops. During the application period, it should avoid affecting the surrounding bee colonies. It is prohibited near silkworm rooms and mulberry orchards
3. It is necessary to keep away from aquaculture areas, rivers, ponds, and other water bodies when applying pesticides. It is forbidden to clean pesticide equipment in rivers, ponds, and other water bodies, and do not pollute water bodies. It is necessary to avoid the flow of pesticides into lakes, rivers, or fish ponds, which can pollute water sources.
4. This product cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides or other substances.
5. It is recommended to alternate the use of insecticides with different mechanisms of action to delay the onset of resistance.
6. Used containers should be properly disposed of and not used for other purposes, nor should they be lost at will.
Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from coming into contact with this product.
Mite · Imidacloprid
1. Pesticide packaging waste shall not be discarded or disposed of at will, and shall be promptly returned to the pesticide packaging waste recycling station; It is prohibited to clean pesticide application equipment in water bodies such as rivers and ponds, and the remaining medicinal solution after application must not be dumped at will; Prohibited in aquaculture areas, river ponds, and nearby water bodies; Prohibited in bird protection areas and nearby areas; The flowering period of pesticide fields and their surrounding plants is prohibited, and close attention should be paid to the impact on nearby bee colonies when using them; Notify beekeepers within 3000 meters of the location of the pesticide application to take timely safety precautions 3 days in advance; Prohibited near silkworm rooms and mulberry gardens.
2. To delay the development of pest resistance, it is recommended to use insecticides with different mechanisms of action alternately.
3. Before application: Read the product label carefully. When dispensing medication, one should wear a long sleeved shirt, pants, and gloves. Avoid physical contact with medication and wash hands thoroughly after preparation. When applying medicine: protective clothing must be worn to avoid inhaling mist droplets or direct contact with the medicine solution. Do not eat or smoke. Keep away from water sources and livestock areas. Avoid the drug mist drifting onto other humans or livestock. After application: The medicine can only enter the application area after it has dried. Wash the whole body and change the clothes worn when spraying.
4. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this product.
Emergency measures for poisoning
Jiawei · Difenamide
1. Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash contaminated skin with soap and plenty of water.
2. Eye splash: Immediately open the eyelids, rinse with clean water for at least 15 minutes, and then seek medical attention.
3. Inhalation occurs: Immediately transfer the inhaler to a place with fresh air and seek medical attention
4. Accidental ingestion: The patient should be immediately taken to the hospital with the label for treatment, induce vomiting, and given emetic syrup or ephedrine, but do not induce vomiting or administer anything to comatose patients. Avoid administering drugs that enhance the activity of y-aminobutyric acid (such as barbiturates and valproic acid) to patients during rescue operations
Mite · Imidacloprid
Symptoms of poisoning: Excessive ingestion can lead to diarrhea.
1. Accidental contact: After skin contact with the medication, please wash immediately with water and soap.
2. Accidental ingestion: After drinking 1-2 cups of water, use your fingers to poke your throat to induce vomiting and seek medical treatment. 3. Accidentally entering your eyes: Rinse your eyes with plenty of water and seek medical treatment. 4. In any of the above situations, please hold this label and seek medical treatment immediately
Storage and transportation methods
1. This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated, and rainproof place, away from sources of fire or heat.
2. Keep out of reach of children and unrelated personnel, and lock it.
3. It cannot be stored and transported together with food, beverages, grains, and feed. 4. The stacking height of products should not exceed 2 meters to avoid damaging the packaging.

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