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  • 24 table brassinolide
  • 24 table brassinolide
  • 24 table brassinolide
  • 24 table brassinolide
24 table brassinolide24 table brassinolide24 table brassinolide24 table brassinolide

24 table brassinolide

Product Description:
Product Features
This product belongs to the sterol plant growth regulator class, which has dual effects of promoting plant cell division and delaying growth. It can promote the development of crop roots, enhance photosynthesis, increase crop chlorophyll content, promote crop metabolism, assist in the good growth of disadvantaged parts of crops, and thus promote crop growth
Product parameters
Product Name: 24 Table Brassinolide Formula: 10g/Bottle 100g/Bottle 500g/Bottle Type: Solutable Dosage: Low toxicity
Effective ingredients and their content: 24- Table brassinolide 0.01% Registration certificate number: PD20183152
Standard certificate number: (Q/HBLS010-2022)
Scope and methods of use
Citrus tree
Prevention and control targets
Regulate growth
Regulate growth
Regulate growth
Regulate growth
Dosage (dosage per acre)
2000-2500 times liquid
2000-3000 times liquid
2500-3000 times liquid
2000-3500 times liquid
Application method
Technical requirements for use:
Used for spraying cucumber once each during the seedling stage, initial flowering stage, and young fruit stage; Used for spraying once each during the seedling and flowering stages of wheat; Used for spraying citrus fruits once each during the bud stage, young fruit stage, and fruit enlargement stage. It is advisable to spray the medicine in the cooler morning and evening, and if it rains within 4 hours, it should be sprayed again. Rice should be treated with pesticides once during the heading stage and once during the full heading stage. The optimal concentration and frequency of use can be adjusted according to different regions, varieties, and cultivation modes,
matters needing attention
1. Strictly follow the operation plan, wear protective clothing, gloves, and face shields when dispensing and applying drugs; Do not smoke or eat at the pesticide application site; Take a shower immediately after applying pesticides
And promptly replace and clean work clothes. 2. Used packaging should be properly disposed of and not reused or repurposed. Flowering plants in the surrounding area are prohibited during flowering, and close attention should be paid to the impact on surrounding bee colonies during application. It is prohibited near silkworm rooms and mulberry gardens. Keep away from aquaculture areas and do not apply pesticides in water bodies such as rivers and ponds
Clean the pesticide application equipment.
Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from using it. If there are any adverse reactions during use, please seek medical attention promptly
5. Used containers should be properly disposed of and should not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.
Emergency measures for poisoning
If you feel uncomfortable during or after use, you should immediately stop working and take first aid measures, and bring a label to the hospital for treatment. Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing, immediately use a soft cloth to remove pesticide contamination, rinse eyes with plenty of water and soap. If splashed, immediately rinse with flowing water for no less than 15 minutes. If ingested, stop taking immediately, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, and bring a pesticide label to the hospital for treatment.
Storage and transportation methods
1. This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated, and rainproof place,
Keep away from sources of fire or heat,
2. Store out of reach of children and lock.
3. Do not store and transport together with other products such as food, beverages, feed, etc
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