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  • 430 g/L tebuconazole
  • 430 g/L tebuconazole
  • 430 g/L tebuconazole
  • 430 g/L tebuconazole
430 g/L tebuconazole430 g/L tebuconazole430 g/L tebuconazole430 g/L tebuconazole

430 g/L tebuconazole

Product Description:
Product Features
This product is a triazole fungicide with protective, therapeutic, and eradication effects, and can be used to prevent and control wheat powdery mildew and pomegranate dry rot.
Product parameters
Product Name: Tebuconazole Case Size: 10g/bag 100g/bottle 500g/bottle Type I Suspension Agent Toxicity: Low toxicity Active ingredient and its content: Tebuconazole 430 g/L Registration Certificate Number: PD20172459 Standard Certificate Number: GB 29381-2012
Scope and methods of use
Prevention and control targets
Dry rot disease
powdery mildew
Dosage (dosage per acre)
3400 to 5700 times liquid
10-15 milliliters per acre
Application method
Technical requirements for use:
1. To prevent and control wheat powdery mildew, apply pesticides before or in the early stages of the disease. Spray pesticides evenly and thoroughly every 20 days.
2. To prevent and control pomegranate dry rot disease, apply pesticides once and twice every 15 days before or in the early stages of the disease.
3. Do not apply pesticides on windy days or when it is expected to rain within 1 hour.
4. Safety interval: wheat, 35 days; Pomegranate, 14 days. The maximum number of uses per season for wheat and pomegranate is 2.
matters needing attention
1. Avoid mixing with alkaline substances.
2. This product is toxic to aquatic organisms such as fish. It should be kept away from aquaculture areas for pesticide application. It is prohibited to clean pesticide application equipment in rivers, ponds, and other water bodies to avoid contamination of water bodies such as ponds by the drug solution and its waste liquid. Flowering plants should be prohibited during their flowering period and attention should be paid to their impact on surrounding bee colonies. The release area of natural enemies such as red eyed wasps is prohibited. In the silkworm room and mulberry garden
Prohibited from use in the vicinity.
When dispensing and applying drugs, protective clothing, masks or gas masks, and rubber gloves should be worn to avoid skin contact and inhalation through the mouth and nose. During this period, smoking, drinking water, and eating are not allowed. After use, the skin on exposed areas such as hands and face should be cleaned promptly, and clothing should be changed.
4. Used containers should be properly disposed of and should not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.
5. It is recommended to rotate the use of fungicides with different mechanisms of action.
6. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact.
Emergency measures for poisoning
If you feel uncomfortable during or after use, you should immediately stop working and take effective measures, and bring a label to the hospital for treatment.
2. Eye splash: Immediately rinse with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
3. Skin adhesion: Immediately rinse the skin with plenty of water and soap.
Accidental aspiration: Immediately transfer the patient to a well ventilated area. four
5. Misuse: Immediately bring this label and seek medical attention. No special antidote, symptomatic treatment.
Storage and transportation methods
1. This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated, and rainproof place away from sources of fire or heat
2. Store out of reach of children and lock.
3. Do not store and transport together with other products such as food, beverages, and feed,
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