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  • 6% Imidacloprid
  • 6% Imidacloprid
  • 6% Imidacloprid
  • 6% Imidacloprid
  • 6% Imidacloprid
  • 6% Imidacloprid
6% Imidacloprid6% Imidacloprid6% Imidacloprid6% Imidacloprid6% Imidacloprid6% Imidacloprid

6% Imidacloprid

Product Description:
Product Features
This product is an insecticide composed of the nicotine compound imidacloprid and the pyrethroid compound pyrethroids. Its main function is to interfere with the nervous system by inhibiting acetylcholine receptor binding and disrupting normal nerve conduction in pests, causing spasms, paralysis, and death. It has contact killing, stomach poisoning, and systemic effects, and can effectively prevent and control tomato whiteflies and bean yellow stripe beetles.
Product parameters
Product Name: Lianju · Imidacloprid Specification: 50g/bottle 200g/bottle 300g/bottle 500g/bottle 1000g/bottle
Surgical type: Microemulsion type: Micro toxic
Effective ingredients and their content: Bifenthrin 3%, Imidacloprid 3%, Registration certificate number: PD20172790
Standard certificate number: (Q/HYQ03-2021)
Scope and methods of use
kidney bean
Prevention and control targets
Yellow stripe jump armor
White whitefly
Dosage (dosage per acre)
100-140 milliliters per acre
25-30 milliliters
Application method
Technical requirements for use:
1. This product should be applied at the initial stage of whitefly occurrence. Pay attention to the uniformity of spray. The key parts are young fruits, flowers, twigs and leaves. Depending on the occurrence of pests, it can be applied once every 7 to 14 days, and can be applied 1 to 2 times continuously;
2. spray control on the front and back of the leaves at the initial stage of striped flea beetle occurrence;
3. This product has a safe interval of 7 days on tomatoes and can be used up to 2 times per season on crops. The safe interval on beans is 7 days, and the crop can be used up to once per season. If the temperature is above 20 ° C, the application effect is better. It is recommended to apply the pesticide in the morning when the dew inside the shed is not dry;
5. Do not apply pesticides on windy days or expected rainfall within 1 hour
matters needing attention
1. Please strictly follow the instructions and use the secondary dilution method when applying pesticides. 2. To delay the development of resistance in pests, it is recommended to rotate the use of insecticides with different mechanisms of action:
3. This product is toxic to bees, silkworms, fish, etc. When applying it, avoid affecting the surrounding bee colonies. Flowering plants are prohibited during their flowering period, in mulberry gardens, and near silkworm rooms. Do not pollute water bodies such as ponds, lakes, and rivers. Stay away from aquaculture areas
It is prohibited to clean pesticide equipment in water bodies such as rivers and ponds. 4. When opening packaging or applying pesticides, protective measures should be taken, such as wearing masks or gas masks and gloves, wearing protective clothing and water shoes, etc. Smoking, eating, etc. are not allowed when applying the medicine. After applying the medicine, the affected area should be immediately rinsed with clean water. To protect the environment, packaging materials should be buried deep or disposed of according to relevant environmental regulations, and should not be discarded casually. This product is a flammable liquid. The unused medication should be stored according to pesticide safety requirements and should not be discarded casually. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this medication,
7. This product is flammable.
Emergency measures for poisoning
Symptoms of poisoning: This product belongs to the category of nerve agents, which can cause a stinging sensation when in contact with the skin, especially around the mouth and nose. When exposed in large quantities, it can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, trembling hands, and even convulsions or seizures, resulting in coma and shock.
Emergency measures: If accidentally inhaled, the patient should be immediately transferred to a fresh and ventilated area. If it accidentally comes into contact with the skin or splashes into the eyes, immediately rinse the affected area with clean water for at least 15 minutes and bring this label to the hospital for targeted treatment; If accidentally ingested, gastric lavage can be performed, but vomiting cannot be induced. Do not induce vomiting or administer anything to comatose patients, and immediately bring this label to the hospital for symptomatic treatment. This product has no special antidote.
Storage and transportation methods
1. This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated, and rainproof place, away from sources of fire or heat. 2. Keep out of reach of children and lock.
3. Do not store and transport together with other products such as food, beverages, and feed.
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