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  • 2.5%Efficient Chlorfenapyr

2.5%Efficient Chlorfenapyr

Product Description:
Product Features
This product belongs to the class of pyrethroid insecticides, with triple effects of contact killing, gastric toxicity, and repellent. It can cause extreme excitement, spasms, and paralysis of pests, while inducing the production of neurotoxins that block nerve conduction, prevent egg hatching, or cause death of larvae after egg hatching. It has good control effect on the cabbage green bug and pomegranate green bug in cruciferous vegetables.
Product parameters
Product Name: Efficient Chlorfenapyr Grid: 500g/bottle
Case technique anxiety
Type: Water emulsion
Toxicity: Low toxicity
Effective ingredient and its content: High efficiency cyhalothrin 2.5% Registration certificate number: PD20083634
Standard certificate number: Q/SHHL38-2018
Scope and methods of use
Cruciferous vegetables
Prevention and control targets
Green blind bug
Cabbage caterpillar
Dosage (dosage per acre)
1500-2500 times liquid
20-25 milliliters per acre
Application method
Spray Ji
Technical requirements for use:
1. This product is used to control Pieris rapae, a cruciferous vegetable. It should be applied at the peak of the egg incubation period of Pieris rapae or the occurrence period of 1-2 instar young larvae. It should be applied at the beginning of the emergence period of young nymphs to control the pomegranate green bug. Pay attention to the uniform spray.
2. Safety interval: cruciferous vegetables, 7 days; Pomegranate, 14 days. Maximum usage per season: 3 times for cruciferous vegetables; Pomegranate, once. Before large-scale use on pomegranates, please conduct community trials first.
3. Do not apply pesticides on windy days or expected rainfall within 1 hour
matters needing attention
1. The medicine should be prepared and used immediately, and cannot be mixed with strong alkaline medicines such as stone sulfur mixture and Bordeaux mixture.
2. This product is toxic to bees and silkworms. During the application period, it should avoid affecting the surrounding bee colonies, flowering plants, silkworm rooms, and mulberry gardens. It is prohibited to use it near these areas
3. When using this product, protective clothing and gloves should be worn to avoid inhaling the medication. Do not eat or drink during the application period. Wash hands and face promptly after applying pesticides. 4. It is recommended to alternate the use of insecticides with different mechanisms of action to delay the development of resistance. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from coming into contact with this product. 6. Used packaging should be properly disposed of and should not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.
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