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  • 20% Chlorpyriformes

20% Chlorpyriformes

Product Description:
Product Features
The active ingredients of this product are high-efficiency cyhalothrin and thiamethoxam
Two insecticides with completely different mechanisms of action. Highly efficient chlorpyrifos is a pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach toxicity effects. Thiamethoxam is a second-generation neonicotinoid insecticide with systemic toxicity and contact killing activity.
The combination of the two can prevent and control piercing sucking and chewing mouthparts pests, and is beneficial for delaying the development of resistance.
Product parameters
Product Name: Thiamethoxam · High Chlorine Fluoride
Specification: 5kg/barrel
Type: Suspension agent
Toxicity: Low toxicity
Effective ingredients and their content: efficient cyhalothrin 10% imidacloprid 10% Registration certificate number: PD20180018
Standard certificate number: Q/BJER 002-2018
Scope and methods of use
Prevention and control targets
Dosage (dosage per acre)
9-12 grams per acre
Application method
Technical requirements for use:
1. spray control during aphid occurrence
2. It is recommended to use medication in the morning and evening. Do not use medication on windy days or when it is expected to rain within 1 hour.
The safe interval on cabbage is 3 days, and the crop can be used up to 3 times per season.
matters needing attention
1. This product is highly toxic to silkworms and highly toxic to bees, fish, and aquatic organisms. Do not dispose of the preparation and its waste liquid in ponds, ditches, rivers, and lakes to avoid contaminating water sources.
Flowering plants are prohibited during their flowering period, and pesticide application is prohibited near silkworm rooms and mulberry gardens. During this period, it is forbidden to stay away from aquaculture areas and clean pesticide application equipment in water bodies such as rivers and ponds. The release area of natural enemies such as red eyed wasps is prohibited.
2. It is prohibited to use this product in areas where foraging bees are active. When using this product, it is not allowed for droplets to drift onto nearby flowering weeds, hedges, or other flowering crops. If there is a large amount of aphid honeydew in the processing area, please do not apply pesticides. It is prohibited to apply pesticides five days before or after the flowering period of flowering plants. Unused preparations should be sealed and stored in their original packaging.
3. Please use this product in accordance with the pesticide safety guidelines. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and contaminated clothing with medication, and avoid inhaling mist droplets. Do not smoke or eat at the pesticide application site. Wash your hands and face before drinking, eating, and smoking. 4. When dispensing medicine, impermeable gloves and face shields or goggles should be worn, and long sleeved clothes, pants, and boots should be worn. 5. When dispensing medicine, a face shield should be worn to cover the mouth and nose, impermeable gloves, long sleeved clothes, pants, and boots should be worn.
After applying pesticides, thoroughly clean protective equipment, take a shower, and change and clean work clothes. 7. Used empty packaging should be properly disposed of and not reused or repurposed. All pesticide application equipment should be immediately cleaned with clean water or appropriate detergent after use. The wastewater after cleaning should not be discharged into water sources such as rivers or ponds to avoid contaminating the water. 8. Grazing and livestock are prohibited from entering the pesticide application site; Do not harvest during safe intervals. Do not place this product in drinking or eating containers. 9. It is recommended to alternate the use of insecticides with different mechanisms of action to delay the development of resistance. 10. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this product
Emergency measures for poisoning
Symptoms of poisoning: It can cause skin irritation, and when exposed to large amounts, it can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, trembling hands, and even symptoms such as convulsions or shock, coma, and shock throughout the body. If you feel uncomfortable while taking medication, stop working immediately, take emergency measures, and bring a label to take the patient to the hospital for treatment. Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash contaminated skin with soap and plenty of water. If necessary, seek medical attention for eye drops: immediately open the eyelids, rinse with clean water for at least 15 minutes, and then seek medical attention. Inhalation occurs: Immediately transfer the inhaler to a place with fresh air, pay attention to warmth and rest, and seek medical treatment. Misconception: Do not induce vomiting. Carry the label immediately and seek medical attention. Emergency medical measures: Use medical activated carbon for gastric lavage, and be careful to prevent gastric contents from entering the respiratory tract during gastric lavage. Caution: Do not administer anything orally or induce vomiting to comatose patients. Antidote: No specific antidote, symptomatic treatment. When poisoned, please call the hotline of the Poison Control Center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention at 400-650-5726 for consultation
Storage and transportation methods
1. This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated, and rainproof place, away from sources of fire or heat.
2. Store out of reach of children and lock.
3. Do not store and transport together with other products such as food, beverages, and feed.
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