mary@pmxmaterial.com +8616632969649

Home      Products     Acaricides杀螨剂       45% Thiamethoxazole

  • 45% Thiamethoxazole
  • 45% Thiamethoxazole
  • 45% Thiamethoxazole
45% Thiamethoxazole45% Thiamethoxazole45% Thiamethoxazole

45% Thiamethoxazole

Product Description:

Lianchahydrazide ester can inhibit the Y-aminobutyric acid receptors in the central nervous system of mites, and is effective in all stages of mite life, mainly through contact killing. Imidacloprid is a chitin synthesis inhibitor that inhibits the molting of pests. It mainly has a contact killing effect and is effective in killing eggs. It also has good control effects on young and young mites in various developmental states. It is ineffective against adult mites but can prevent them from laying eggs. The combination of the two can be used to prevent and control citrus red spider mites.

Technical requirements for use:
1. This product should be applied by spray at the beginning of the population increase of citrus red spider. Citrus fruits should be harvested at least 20 days after using this product, with a maximum of 1 use per season. 2. Do not apply pesticides on windy days or when it is expected to rain within an hour

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