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  • 70% Imidacloprid
  • 70% Imidacloprid
  • 70% Imidacloprid
  • 70% Imidacloprid
70% Imidacloprid70% Imidacloprid70% Imidacloprid70% Imidacloprid

70% Imidacloprid

Product Description:
Product Features
This product is a nitromethylene insecticide that has triple functions of contact killing, gastric toxicity, and systemic absorption against pests. It can be quickly absorbed by crops and transfer the active ingredients to various parts of the crop. Imidacloprid is the agent of nicotinic acid acetylcholinesterase receptor, which has a unique mechanism of action. After the liquid spray to the surface of the insect or the part where the insect eats the drug, the effective ingredients can quickly penetrate into the insect body, directly act on the acetylcholinesterase of the insect, interfere with the motor nervous system of the insect and cause the failure of chemical signal transmission, thus causing the movement of the insect disorder, convulsion, paralysis and rapid death. Can prevent and control cabbage aphids
Product parameters
Product Name: Imidacloprid Solution: Low toxicity Active Ingredient and Content: Imidacloprid 70% Registration Certificate Number: PD20132432 Standard Certificate Number: GB 28139-2011
Grid: 5g/bag 100g/bottle 500g/bottle
Type: Water dispersible granule
Scope and methods of use
Prevention and control targets
Dosage (dosage per acre)
1-2 grams per acre
Application method
Technical requirements for use:
At the peak of aphid egg hatching or young nymph stage, use 1-2 grams of this product per mu to mix with water to spray. When spraying, pay attention to the front and back of the leaves to spray, and focus on the heart and young parts of the crop. The droplets should be fine and evenly sprayed.
matters needing attention
The safety interval of this product on cabbage is 7 days, and it can be used up to 2 times per crop season.
2. Do not mix with alkaline substances (such as Bordeaux mixture, stone sulfur agent, etc.). 3. This product is toxic to fish, shrimp, and aquatic organisms. When applying, avoid affecting water sources and fish ponds. After application, it is forbidden to clean medical equipment in water sources such as rivers and ponds. 4. This product is toxic to bees, natural enemies, and birds. It is prohibited in surrounding plant flowering periods, honey source periods, natural enemy release areas, beekeeping areas, and bird protection areas. It is also prohibited near aquaculture areas, river ponds, and other water bodies. It is also prohibited near mulberry gardens and silkworm rooms. 5. Strictly follow the "Pesticide Safety Operation Regulations" during use, take safety precautions, strictly prohibit smoking and eating, and clean hands promptly after application
Face and other exposed parts.
6. Use insecticides with different mechanisms of action alternately.
Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from coming into contact with this product.
8. Used containers should be disposed of properly and should not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.
Emergency measures for poisoning
1. Has a slight irritating effect on the eyes. If the skin is contaminated, immediately wash it clean with soapy water; Splash medicine in the eyes, rinse with plenty of water, and seek medical treatment if necessary.
2. If poisoned by accidental ingestion, immediately take this label to the hospital for targeted treatment. If necessary, call the Poison Control Center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Storage and transportation methods
1. This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated, and rainproof place
Keep away from sources of fire or heat,
2. Store out of reach of children and lock.
3. Do not store and transport together with other products such as food, beverages, and feed.
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