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  • 30% pyrazole ether fungicide
  • 30% pyrazole ether fungicide
  • 30% pyrazole ether fungicide
  • 30% pyrazole ether fungicide
  • 30% pyrazole ether fungicide
30% pyrazole ether fungicide30% pyrazole ether fungicide30% pyrazole ether fungicide30% pyrazole ether fungicide30% pyrazole ether fungicide

30% pyrazole ether fungicide

Product Description:
Product Features
This product belongs to mitochondrial respiratory inhibitors and has protective, therapeutic, and leaf osmotic conductivity effects. Rapid action, long shelf life, recommended dosage for safe use in preventing and treating apple brown spot disease on crops.
Product parameters
Product Name: Pyrazole ether fungicide case formula: 10g/bag 100g/bottle 500g/bottle 1000g/bottle Type: Suspension agent Toxicity: Low toxicity
Effective ingredient and its content: Pyrazole ether fungicide 30% Registration certificate number: PD20103170 Standard certificate number: Q/HYQ 12-2022
Scope and methods of use
Scope and methods of use
Prevention and control targets
Cercospora leaf spot
Dosage (dosage per acre)
5000-6000 times liquid
Application method
Technical requirements for use:
1. To achieve the best prevention and control effect, it is recommended to use it in the early stage of apple brown spot disease. 2. The safe interval of this product on apples is 21 days, with a 7-10 day interval between applications. The maximum number of applications per season for crops is 3.
3. Do not apply pesticides on windy days or when it is expected to rain within 1 hour. Applying pesticides in the evening is more conducive to fully exerting the efficacy of the medicine
matters needing attention
1. This product cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides and other substances. It is recommended to use it alternately with other fungicides with different mechanisms of action to delay the development of resistance.
2. Prohibited near aquaculture areas, river ponds, and other water bodies: It is forbidden to clean pesticide equipment in river ponds and other water bodies. Prohibited near silkworm rooms and mulberry gardens. 3. When using this product, protective clothing and gloves should be worn to avoid inhaling the medication. During the application period, do not eat or drink anything, and wash your hands and face promptly after application. 4. After medication, packaging materials and used containers should be properly disposed of and not used for other purposes, nor should they be discarded at will.
Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from coming into contact with this product.
Emergency measures for poisoning
If you feel uncomfortable during or after use, you should immediately stop working and take first aid measures, and bring a label to the hospital for treatment. Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing, immediately use a soft cloth to remove pesticide contamination, rinse eyes with plenty of water and soap. If splashed, immediately rinse with flowing water for no less than 15 minutes. If ingested, stop taking immediately, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, and bring a pesticide label to the hospital for treatment.
Storage and transportation methods
1. This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated, and rainproof place,
Keep away from sources of fire or heat,
2. Store out of reach of children and lock.
3. Do not store and transport together with other products such as food, beverages, feed, etc
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